Monday 11 December 2017

Relationship Talk

Relationship Talk It bothers me that my boyfriend doesn't give me money

We are both working now but I earn more than him so anytime I ask him for something, particularly money, he's not able to get it for me.e been dating this guy for two years. We met in school and we are both working now but I earn more than him.
I truly love him and he loves me too but the only problem is he thinks I'm comfortable with him being broke.
Anytime I ask him for something, particularly money, he's not able to get it for me.

What can I do?

Dear reader,
If you earn more than him, then you obviously know his financial limitations and have chosen to remain with him nonetheless.
Then it’s right to feel comfortable. In fact, I’d feel comfortable too if I were in in his shoes!
 I mean, if you had a problem with that, why did you get into the relationship in the first instance?
I don’t think you are being fair here. Why complain when you know already that he is broke?
So far he’s working hard and working smart on becoming better financially, I don’t think you should compound his problem with this kind of attitude.
Don’t burden him with bills and demands you know he’s incapable of. Besides, you earn more than him, why is he supposed to cater for your needs out of his lesser wages?
Think about it this way: how would you feel if roles were reversed and he’s the one who earns more but keeps asking you to give him out of the little you have?
Not nice, is it?
I’m not disputing that couples should do stuff for each other but never be unfair or insensitive to each other’s situation.
If he's working on becoming better, there's no way you won't sound unfair and insensitive if you bring up this issue with him.
I'd be more supportive and drop this unfair sense of entitlement if I were you.
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